I want to start a project
What is crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding allows individuals and small groups to promote and fundraise for their projects. It raises small amounts of funding from larger numbers of people.
What types of projects can be submitted for Crowdfundraising UBC?
We will consider any UBC-related project, provided it has clearly defined deliverables and a specific funding goal. You must also be able to demonstrate you have sufficient audience interest to make your goal realistic.
If you are an AMS Club, please reach out to the AMS Offices for advice on fundraising. As a separate entity, UBC is unable to fundraise for AMS Clubs.
Can I use Crowdfundraising UBC to raise funds for my research project?
Yes you can, but you should be aware of two things before submitting this application:
- You must first have completed a Research Project Information Form (RPIF), and received signed approval for the project from the university, before we can create the fund.
- As per research funding guidelines, indirect costs of research will be automatically deducted from research accounts at the standard (or other verified special) rate as expenses are incurred.
Who can submit a project to Crowdfundraising UBC?
Currently, we are only accepting applications from UBC faculty, staff and students. Student projects must have approval from their faculty’s development office before proceeding. If you need to be connected with the development office in your faculty, please contact us at crowd.fund@ubc.ca or 604.827.4111.
Why use Crowdfundraising UBC?
There are a lot of crowdfunding platforms out there so why use UBC?
1. Fundraising support: we have dedicated staff and toolkits to support you.
2. No Fees: there are no administrative fees.
3. Tax Receipts: donors receive a tax receipt by email immediately following their gift. (UBC’s charitable business number is 10816 1779 RR0001)
4. UBC Brand: Crowdfundraising UBC comes with the credibility of a world-class educational institution.
What amount can I set as my funding goal?
Your funding goal can be anywhere between $1,000 and $25,000. Your goal and timeline play key roles in determining your success, so make sure you set realistic amounts.
How do I choose a funding goal?
Make sure your goal is achievable and your deadline realistic. Think about your audience and the size of your social network. Who is likely to donate and how much will they give? Do any of your contacts have large networks you can tap into? If you are seeking funds for a larger project with an ambitious goal, consider breaking down the project and focus on raising funds for one specific part. Set yourself up for success by setting appropriate goals based on your social “fuel.”
How long will I have to raise the money?
We recommend 30 days, but allow up to 60 (expect pre- & post-campaign time also).
Do I need incentives?
No. At this time we are not allowing incentives for donations.
Do I need a video?
We recommend you consider a video as you’ll only have a few seconds to convince potential supporters to hit the donate button. Telling your story visually is the best way to get people on board. If you can’t tell a compelling story with a video, illustrate your story with a powerful photograph or image that will help grab your audience’s attention.
Do I need to use social media?
Yes. Crowdfunding uses the power of the internet to tell your story. Social media is an effective way to share your story with supporters, maintain a relationship with them, and gain brand new supporters in the process.
What happens if I reach or exceed my funding goal?
100% of the funds raised go to the project, even if you raise more than you asked for!
What happens if I don’t reach my funding goal?
If it means your project is no longer possible, the funds raised will go to the department or faculty involved and will be used to support a scaled down version of the project or other work in a similar area.
Can I change the funding goal or deadline during the campaign?
No. Once the campaign is launched, the funding goal and deadline cannot be changed.
How long does it take for my project to get approved?
The approval process can take a few weeks. Please include your contact details in your submission, as we may need a few more details before we can green light your project.
Do you have a handbook to help me through the process?
Yes we do! It’s right here
I have more questions
Please contact the Annual Giving team at crowd.fund@ubc.ca or 604.827.4111
I want to make a donation
What is crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding allows individuals and small groups to design, promote, and fundraise for their projects. It raises small amounts of funding from larger numbers of people.
How can I support a project?
Find a project that speaks to your heart. There will be a donate button on the top right hand corner where you can make your contribution online via credit card.
Can I support multiple projects?
Of course! Big or small, you can support as many projects as you like.
Do I get a tax receipt?
Yes. Donors will receive a tax receipt by email immediately following their online transaction. UBC’s charitable business number is 10816 1779 RR0001.
Where does the money go?
100% of your gift goes directly to the project.
What happens if a project doesn’t reach its funding goal?
Your gift will still go to the project if it is already in existence, or if it is not dependent on reaching goal to go ahead. If the project is no longer possible, your contribution will go to the department or faculty involved and will be used to support other work in a similar area.
How can I keep updated on a project’s progress?
When you make your gift, you have the option to share your email address with the project organizer, so they can keep you updated directly on their progress. You may also connect with the project organizer by referring to the contact section on their project page.
Will my donation be made public?
If you make your donation online, we will list your first name and donation amount on the project page. If you prefer to make an offline or anonymous gift, please contact us at 604.827.4111 or toll-free in North America 1.877.717.GIVE. If you make an offline donation, we will not be able to list you on the donor scroll.
What happens with my information?
The University of British Columbia collects the information provided during the process of making a gift. That information is used by the university to process gifts, maintain contact and keep donors up-to-date with University information and events. The university abides by the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Please note, UBC will not share your contact information with the project organizer. If you wish to reach out for project updates, please use the email address provided for the project organizer.
I have more questions
Please contact the Annual Giving team at crowd.fund@ubc.ca or 604.827.4111.
To see our fundraising terms and privacy policy, click here