Men’s Health Month: Support HeadsUpGuys at UBC


Raised $15,034

Men’s Health Month: Support HeadsUpGuys at UBC

Save a life this June—support HeadsUpGuys and empower men to speak out and seek support for depression. 

Project Description

HeadsUpGuys, an evidence-based program at UBC, is the world’s leading mental health resource dedicated to supporting men in their fight against depression. The team empowers men’s recovery by sharing information, practical tips and success stories to overcome the stigma surrounding depression in men. 

This June, support men who are battling depression by showing them they are not alone. Donate to HeadsUpGuys at UBC and help save the life of a son, father, husband, brother or friend. 

Millions of men suffer from depression each year, yet many keep their feelings bottled up. Men are often taught to not discuss their emotions, leading them to associate depression with weakness and to feel pressured to “man up” or “tough it out.”  But true strength lies in seeking support, not in ignoring the problem. With suicide being the second leading cause of death for men under the age of 50, HeadsUpGuys is here to offer resources and help prevent the tragic outcomes of so many who have faced depression alone. 

Impact of Your Support

Over the past nine years, HeadsUpGuys at UBC has been a life-changing resource for millions of men worldwide who are struggling with depression and thoughts of suicide. HeadsUpGuys facilitated over 6,000 connections between men and mental health professionals in 2023—helping them access the treatments they need to identify, manage and prevent depression. Donors like you can make an even greater impact this Men’s Health Month by equipping men with the tools they need to overcome mental health issues and become the best version of themselves. 

By donating, you will help: 

  • Develop additional mental health resources for men from countries and cultures around the world. 
  • Create greater awareness of HeadsUpGuys through media, marketing and our social media channels.  
  • Expand our collection of impactful stories from men who share personal experiences in recovering from depression. 

“Thanks again for providing an amazing resource for men struggling with their mental health AND the people who love and support them through it.” – HeadsUpGuys visitor

About HeadsUpGuys

Launched in 2015, HeadsUpGuys is a global resource dedicated to supporting men in their recovery from depression. The website offers practical advice, targeted support and inspiring stories for men and their families, aiming to lower suicide rates and inspire healthier living.

HeadsUpGuys is based at UBC and led by Dr. John Ogrodniczuk, a Professor of Psychiatry and the Director of the Psychotherapy Program. The team consists of expert clinicians, researchers and mental health advocates who are united in the mission to support men in crisis. Together, we strive to create a world where men prioritize their mental health and where suicide is no longer a leading cause of death for men of any age.


This project is now closed. If you would like to learn more or would like the opportunity to donate, please reach out to