The Nepal Sexual and Reproductive Health Education Project

Goal $10,000

Raised $5,670

The Nepal Sexual and Reproductive Health Education Project

Bringing Adolescent Health Education to Rural Nepal

Project Description

In the rural Dang District of Nepal, indigenous Tharu communities have suffered a long history of slavery and bonded labour, resulting in a perpetual cycle of poverty and marginalization that has disproportionately impacted Tharu women and young girls. Adolescents in rural Nepal are particularly at risk, as they are more vulnerable to child marriage, domestic violence, non-consensual sex, and unwanted pregnancies. Limited opportunities for education, persisting gender inequality, and pervasive cultural stigma create additional barriers preventing young girls from accessing the healthcare that they need.

Since 2020, our team has partnered with Creating Possibilities (CP) Nepal, a local non-governmental organization (NGO), to develop the Adolescent Health Program. The program was created to address sexual and reproductive health barriers through educating and empowering youth in rural Nepal. Through improved awareness and empowerment, we hope to increase access to sexual health services and spark discussions about the current social and cultural stigma that exists regarding sexual health in rural Nepal.

Our program launched in October of 2021, featuring an evidence-based, culturally-adapted curriculum that includes topics ranging from puberty, menstruation, and contraception, to child marriage and gender equality. Initially beginning with 60 students, the program has quickly expanded to now over 450 young girls, with growing interest from nearby communities and local governments. In addition to improving access to sexual and reproductive health education, the program has created a community where young girls are empowered to learn more about their own bodies and challenge the structural and social barriers that they face.

Challenges and Impact of Your Support

To continue this vital work, we need your help. Our hope is to continue to expand this program to meet the needs of the communities we serve and provide essential sexual and reproductive health education to all adolescents who wish to access it. Funding is crucial to make this goal possible. Based on requests from the local community, the program will expand this year to include all genders, as well as address additional topics such as mental health. Our team hopes to raise a total of $25,000 to support 350 students through this education program. Will you help us reach our first milestone of $10,000?

Messages from Nepal:


This class was so useful for me. Where I live, there’s no one to teach me about reproductive health…Now I have lots of friends in this group who I can share my feelings and experiences with” – Ashmita Kumal, student






I was worried about the changes that were happening to my body. After being a part of this program, I feel relieved to know that it’s normal. This class has helped me know my rights, and now I can share this with my friends and family” – Anima Chaudhary, student






I’m very excited to conduct this kind of program in our community because girls don’t know about their body parts, menstruation and reproductive health. When they don’t know, they don’t ask questions because they are very shy. In our groups, the girls are very active now. They ask questions freely”- Sita Khumal, educator